We are a swim team that is supported solely by our families, friends and neighborhood. We have a yearly pancake breakfast, two restaurant fundraiser nights that help bring in extra funds to keep the fun going each and every year. Keep a look out for the up coming dates.
Pancake Breakfast Details
Hello Old Orchard 2 Families, Please join us Saturday April 13th from 8:30am-10:30am by the clubhouse. Tickets are $8 per person and it includes breakfast and a beverage. Evite link is below. Please RSVP to help us account for food. We look forward to seeing you there! Pancake breakfast RSVP link: http://evite.me/1VGf2MNS6U
Coffee Time
Tuesday April 16th at Makenna Koffee 7:30am – 5pm 23881 Newhall Ranch Rd. Valencia Ca, 91355 Come get a cup of coffee and support our Shark swim season!
Pizza Time
Let’s kick off the season with a pizza at Toppers and meet some of our coaches!
Tuesday May 14th 11am-9pm
23710 Valencia Blvd. Santa Clarita 91355
Future Events
Wednesday June 12th Restaurant TBD
Wednesday June 19th Restaurant TBD
Wednesday July 10th Restaurant TBD